Just a few hours before the foreign media reports about Canada at the University of Calgary student's independent research and development of solar-powered racing news. Small series after seeing it, couldn't help thinking, almost a cigarette with melancholy. Not long after, however, and about China's Nankai University achieved a breakthrough--they were yesterday, when on December 8, shows a direct brain control car.

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¡¡¡¡Researchers at Nankai University Zhang Zhao (who) participated in the car's development, and show when, it is controlled by his car, without any manual operation or any other action, is pure mental control of the car. In fact, as early as a few months ago, when foreign media had reported a floating shark robot controlled by brain waves, but real control and Nankai University compared to a car, it's dwarfed. Marcelo Burlon for iPhone 5

Development of Nankai University controlled directly by the brain of car

However, their working principle is similar to drivers by wearing a special device to capture the brain, to adjust the direction and status of car, the device is made up of 16 sensors, you can quickly capture brainwave signals in a timely manner. Also, researchers has written a set of computer programs, to translate brain waves and corresponding actions. Display, the researchers as we move forward, backward, stop, such as lock and unlock the car "performance".

Leader is in charge of this project of Nankai University and Duan feng, an associate professor of control engineering, said: these techniques in order to better provide services for people, including driving safety and performance aspects of the car, and so on, are able to provide help.

Development of Nankai University controlled directly by the brain of car

Although the technology is not the first time, when as early as 2011, Germany will have a research and development team in Berlin have shown using mind control technology of a Passat, but compared to then, Nankai University, the team of motor response speeds significantly higher.

Anyway, after all, is the alma mater of Premier Zhou, hard power is leverage. Marcelo Burlon iPhone Case

[Article correction]

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Tags: Science and technology Design

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